Power Up
Your Adventure
The Richard Jackson Saga Books
The Saga Begins
The Saga opens with Rick at the end of the school year in the eighth grade. Rick who is large for his age is used to hitchhiking like many others his age in 1958. So it was no great surprise when his parents were asked if he could hitchhike from Ohio to California they told him to go for it.
Rick at the time knew little of his parent’s background. They were hard-working lower-middle-class people in his mind. The one different thing was his mother was a war bride. He had been born in England during the war.
How was he to know that Queen Elizabeth was his godmother and President Eisenhower his Godfather?
With a pedigree like this, it is of no surprise that our young hero will survive bank robberies, kidnappings, KGB, and Stasi’s attempt on his life.
Will all this is happening he starts a successful career in the movies and several inventions. As he matures and his businesses grow we see a capable young man emerge.
Like all young men of the 1950s and 1960s, he thinks of girls but has little luck with them until he is older.