What's under down under? The Richard Jackson Saga Book 14
The Richard Jackson Saga

A Plane, A Property, and A Puzzle: An Unexpected Australian Adventure

Have you ever found yourself caught in an adventure you didn’t quite sign up for? That’s precisely what happened to me when I embarked on what I thought would be a simple property purchase in Australia. Little did I know, it would turn into a whirlwind of mystery, unexpected discoveries, and a brush with a long-hidden criminal past.

It all started with a seemingly routine transaction. The property, known as Jackson House, was nothing more than a line item on a list, a forgotten relic of a bank-owned estate. The heir, uninterested and living her life in bustling London, had never even seen it. But for me, it was an opportunity – one I couldn’t resist.

I arrived in Sydney with a plan: finalize the purchase, inspect the house, and maybe enjoy a bit of the Australian sun. What I didn’t anticipate was the five-day wait for the sale to go through. Never one to waste time, I indulged in a bit of my favorite shopping – aircraft shopping, that is. By the time the papers were signed, I was the proud owner of a 1960 Cessna 310D. If you know me, you know I have a bit of a thing for planes, and this one was a beauty.

Once the property was mine, I couldn’t wait to explore it. Jackson House turned out to be more than just an old estate; it was a gateway to a past no one had bothered to uncover. In the basement, hidden behind a secret door, was the kind of find that makes your heart race: pallets loaded with bricks of heroin, a large safe full of cash, Chinese gold coins, and Swiss bearer bonds. And that wasn’t all. Detailed account ledgers painted a picture of a decades-old drug operation run by the elusive Jason Talmadge.

The discovery was both thrilling and terrifying. What do you do with a metric ton of ancient heroin? How do you handle finding the records of a drug empire without becoming a target yourself? I had stumbled into a puzzle with pieces scattered across continents and decades.

The adventure didn’t stop there. The house itself was a maze of hidden rooms and secret tunnels, including an escape route leading to a nearby garage. In one of the outbuildings, covered in dust and old canvas, I found a 1955 MG MGA – a pristine white sports car that just needed a bit of TLC to shine again.

But the real challenge was what to do with the illicit drugs and the incriminating ledgers. Reporting it to the authorities meant exposing the secrets of all the Jackson Houses. Keeping quiet wasn’t an option either. Each choice came with its own set of risks and consequences.

With the help of some temporary hires and a bit of strategic planning, I managed to clean out the basement and make the necessary calls to the police. The Sydney authorities were as stunned as I was, but they were also grateful. The investigation into the Talmadge empire would shake up more than a few powerful circles.

Throughout this journey, I couldn’t help but think about the connections and coincidences that brought me here. From flying high in my newly acquired Cessna to delving into the murky waters of Talmadge’s criminal past, every step was a new twist in a story that felt like it was straight out of a novel. And maybe that’s the point.

If you’re intrigued by hidden fortunes, secret tunnels, and the thrill of unraveling a decades-old mystery, you’ll want to dive into the full story. This adventure is just getting started, and trust me, you won’t want to miss what happens next.

Buy this alternate history adventure on Amazon! The Richard Jackson Saga Book 14, What’s Under Down under?

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